Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Acne Solution

Click Here to make acne vanish in three days.

Acne is an inflammation of the skin that occurs when a sebaceous gland, located at the bottom of each hair follicle, becomes trapped with natural oils, causing bacterial buildup and inflammation.

Symptoms of acne include blackheads, whiteheads, and/or inflamed spots or elevations either on or under the skin.

Acne may be worsened at adolescence, during the pre-menstrual and/or mid-menstrual cycle due to hormonal action, and when under stress, on contraceptives, eating a poor diet that causes an over acidic system, or taking prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Blackheads can form when the oil combines with skin pigments and gets trapped. Blackheads may suggest the need for better hygiene, or magnesium and vitamin A. Chronic, numerous whiteheads can also form during acne outbreaks, suggesting vitamin B1 deficiency or absorption problems. Consistent raised spots on the outside of the arms and sometimes even the thighs, resembling "chicken skin," may suggest need for magnesium, vitamin A, or essential fatty acids or the need to avoid foods that inhibit the absorption of these nutrients, such as trans-fatty acids found in margarine and hydrogenated oils, such as cottonseed oil and palm kernel oil.

Over-the-counter acne medications only seek to treat the symptoms without getting to the root of the problem. Some people have sensitivity to certain ingredients in the medication, and it can actually make their skin condition worse. Also, some medications actually lead to excessive skin dryness or photo sensitivity.

There is good news. You can start to cure your acne in less than three days. Click Here to get started.

Free acne treatment and prevention tips.